Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Animated Movies And Technology - What Is The World Coming To?

Will we be ourselves in the movies one day?
Demon Slayer Season 2 Demon Slayer Season 2 Demon Slayer Season 2

Not in the sense of being an actor or an actress, but in the sense that if we look back and then at the technological advancements of CGI animated movies, there's really only one direction it can go.

With the advances in computer technology in the animated film industry today, and considering that there were no computers at all in 1892 when the first projected animated film was publicly shown, also comparing the first animation to "Pauvre Pierrot" by Charles Emile Reynaud with some of the new animated movies like Disney's "Toy Story 3" or Dreamworks Animation's new "Megamind", then it seems that anything is possible.

A lot has been accomplished in the last 118 years and it doesn't seem like much is slowing down. If you consider that in the beginning the animation was a 2D visual sensation and that was it. You've seen flat images on a screen flash to create the effects of moving objects and that was it.

But today, it's a different technology, it's a new era of high definition, iMac Wrap Around, 3D stereoscopic glasses with a four-channel 7.1 surround sound system, Blue Ray Digital Experience.

Demon Slayer Season 2 Demon Slayer Season 2 Demon Slayer Season 2

Now, I ask you, where is the world heading?

With today's technologically advanced animated movies going 3D (this is the same as saying the best possible graphics on your screen, made to look like they're coming off the screen), there is only one possible way for the movie industry to take if they are to continue advancing in technology and that is holographic.

Years ago, the holodeck from the Star Trek series was just science fiction, but as technology advances, there's no telling what tomorrow will bring. It may be that one day televisions will be replaced by a type of projector that will be mounted on the ceiling like a lamp.

The projector can then project the movie (or game) around you, in whatever room you have it mounted in. Then consider how AI has advanced in games and computer programs, it's quite possible that in the future, you won't just watch a movie, but play an active role in it, possibly making the outcome of the movie different depending on your choices, similar to how some computer games work now.

Seeing how great a lot of these new movies are now, it can be a lot of fun in the future to be in the animated movies, but if we head in that direction of playing a role in these new movies tomorrow, I think for now I'll stop watching. so many horror movies.

Demon Slayer Season 2 Demon Slayer Season 2 Demon Slayer Season 2 Demon Slayer Season 2

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